Romance in games: from Half-Life 2 and Max Payne 2 to Mass Effect and Uncharted

When it comes to relationships in games, many, as a rule, are croiling their nose and say that they have not yet learned how to show love in the industry. When it comes to sex, things are really bad: the characters are absurdly poke in each other, funnyly twitching … Sometimes the scenes are too vulgar, and sometimes, on the contrary, too chaste. But when it comes to relationships and feelings, games really have something to offer.

And today, February 14, we have a great reason to remember the most interesting romantic stories from games. But be careful, very serious spoilers may fall in the text. So then read at your own peril and risk.

Naturally, a place for love and in The Sims. We even once shot a video about it.

When a player is a participant in the process

One has only to start talking about romance in games, as many immediately recall the work of the company BioWare. Canadians really succeeded in this matter, although it is difficult to call the novels invented by them ideal. However, the main thing is that their games give is an opportunity to become a participant in the process, to influence the development of relations and almost be in the place of one of the heroes.

IN Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, For example, you can tighten an affair with a Jedi named Bastil. He unfolded in a cunning scenario. The wayward girl had to be won first, because the Jedi Code, and many prejudices, and the complex character of the Bastila itself stood between the heroes.

At the same time, such interesting psychological problems and long conversations have become the hallmark of almost every character of the studio games. In the series Mass Effect , In order to win the heart of a beloved hero, we had to overcome many different difficulties: the heavy past of the heroes and the complexes, and the dearest alien named Tali very embarrassed her … spacesuit and faint immunity, got up between the commander and lover.

At the same time, interesting details were clarified about many characters in the course of the novel: Garrus, for example, revealed himself as a much more sensual, modest and even slightly awkward Turian, and the hired killer Teyn turned out to be much more romantic than the originally saw the originally.

Relations in Mass Effect unfolded not only between the main character (or heroine) and someone else. In the third part, one could see how love was also born between the members of the Normandy team. Like between Tali and Garrus, for example.

True, it cannot be said that BioWare got the best novels in the history of games. In all their projects, relations are still quite schematic and are reduced to the right decisions in several replicas, and some of the Sopartians almost hung on their neck. Bed scenes are also not that impressive, although a cute and even slightly touching erotic scene with Liara from the first part gave an occasion for a major scandal and serious discussion on American television channels.

Series Final Fantasy rich in a variety of novels. And often it is precisely thanks to them that the plots of these games were remembered.

In turn, developers Transistor They also tell a romantic story. Only feelings there arise between the heroine and … the narrator imprisoned in her unusual sword.

But the main thing is for what the developers can be praised is the opportunity to influence the course of such stories themselves. And, importantly, all this affects the general plot. In Knights of the Old Republic, for example, it is thanks to the developed relations with the Bastille that you can make the one to turn off the path she chosen, and in Mass Effect the emotional component could be carried out on the fate of the whole race. After all, it would seem, you understand what to do in this situation and that some side of the conflict is not right at all, but is it possible to betray a lover?

Alpha Protocol – Another interesting example of building virtual relations. Moreover, in the case of some characters, this could happen … against the will of the hero.

By the way, role -playing games are generally a storehouse for romance lovers. The same "witcher" is a great example. And although it is difficult to associate the romantic in the first part in the first part of the debauchery (we seduce the girls now and then, handing them out gifts to get … a card with an erotic picture), then something more emotional has already appeared to the second. Triss Merigold, Geralt's fighting girlfriend, began to play a large role in the plot, for her a couple of fateful decisions had to make, and an intimate scene with a rose of memory, despite some excesses, turned out to be even beautiful.

In the third part, the series took another step, offering a full -fledged love triangle played between Geralt, Triss and a long -standing love of a witcher, Yennifer. Although the romantic scenes often remained against the background of the main plot, the way Geralt's book line and Jennifer with the desire and statue of the unicorn were definitely remembered. And the scenes of jealousy came out extremely funny. And those who tried to win both sorcerers at once, were waiting for an extremely interesting and funny denouement.

If in the first part "Witcher" Every now and then various indecent were created, then to the third attitude turned into something much more serious and romantic.

When serious topics are raised

Another curious example of how relations in games are revealed is a series Uncharted. Yes, in the first part, the novel between Nate and his companion Elena developed according to a very classic scenario: they overcame troubles together, substituted each other and argued in the style of Khan and Leia, and by itself, of course, there was a connection between the heroes. But already to Sicvel, their relationship has become much more interesting. Somewhere between the parts of the couple broke up, in addition, in the plot there was a place for the charming mercenary of Chloe, which created a real love triangle.

At the same time, the most interesting thing, against the background, the reminder of the true feelings of Drake slipped every now and then: the flower and photo of Elena in his diary, some cute, cozy scenes in which they took care of each other. Gradually, feelings flared up with renewed vigor, and it happened extremely naturally and beautifully.

Relations in Uncharted are perhaps not very original, but vital. Especially in the fourth part.

IN Drake’s Depation The heroes broke up again, and this also added their relations of severity, especially when you consider that they had to guess about all the details of their disagreement and only by hints. Nevertheless, the couple reunited again, but how! The moment when, after mortal danger, they again realized that they needed each other, and Drake lay on Elena’s knees, holding her hand, perhaps one of the best and most touching in the series.

Well, by the final chapter of UNCHARTED, they have already become husband and wife, and this stage, in our opinion, turned out to be the most interesting and difficult. In the new game, their relationship undergoes a serious test: Drake is forced to abandon his adventures in favor of the family, his life is slowly poisoning the hardships of life, and Elena gradually forgets how good her husband was and ceases to admire them.

In the series Monkey Island History was also built more than once around the hobby of the protagonist by his wife Elein. And a typical story about the princess in trouble often ended completely unpredictably.

And therefore it is especially interesting to observe what happens when Nate breaks into the next adventure, loving with his soul mate with three boxes, and as the heroes eventually find a solution, saving marriage. What is unusual for games, many aspects of their family life manage to observe: watch wedding albums and photos from travel, find out how the heroes spend evenings. Well, things scattered around the rooms are often able to tell more about the characters than all the dialogs combined.

IN Psychonauts, full humor and childhood naivety of history, also found a place for the novel. And although the relationship of the protagonist with his friend Lily did not develop most of the plot, it was very curious to follow them.

Japanese game Catherine also tried to raise serious topics, among which marriage, responsibility, and treason. Although she did it in a peculiar, comedic manner. According to the plot, the main character, a little apathetic young Vincent, still could not decide what he wanted from life. But the events themselves pushing him in the right direction: where a beautiful stranger wakes up in the morning in his bed in the morning (despite the fact that Vincent has long been in a relationship with a lady), nightmares begin to dream of at night, after which some men, as it turns out, die. And then also the girl of the protagonist speaks of marriage and seems to begin to suspect treason.

If in many games romance is served as an auxiliary element, then in Catherine Relations – central theme.

The main character, together with the player, had to figure out what was happening, and at the same time and in himself. Catherine directly asked the players interesting questions that were to answer right after heavy heads-head. And in conversations with friends in a bar, videos and scenes, key topics of the game were constantly emphasized.

When "chemistry" arises between the heroes

When it comes to novels, one cannot help but recall and Max Payne 2 – Probably one of the most touching and interesting game stories about love. What is funny, the plot of stars from the sky is not enough: against the background, there were some conspiracies, criminal fraud and so on, which I wanted to forget about immediately after the final credits. But at the same time, all these events were perceived in a completely different way thanks to the personal experiences of the hero. And if in the first part Max basically thought about revenge and his lost family, then here he had hope for something better and at the same time … A serious problem is love in a fatal beauty.

During his life, Max Payne lost many loved ones, but it was Mona that became a final blow.

Love for Monet Saks, a woman-killer, who was twice instructed to kill Max, turned Payne's life upside down. He again received some incentive to live, but circumstances turned the story into a dangerous adventure. Max wanted to kill, and Mona herself was supposed to become the killer. And Miss Sachs was a criminal that Payne, in theory, is obliged to arrest. All this whirlpool gradually led a couple to terrible events, and both of them had to make not the easiest and most pleasant decisions.

IN Starcraft 2 , As in Max Payne 2, the hero becomes a victim of forbidden passion. And the love of his whole life in the game from Blizzard It turns out almost the embodiment of evil.

An even more touching and interesting story for someone could be a little indie game To the moon, Which first was positioned as a story about a person’s life, but in the end it was entirely built around the main character’s love for an unusual, sick -sick girl named River. The game talked about an incredible agency that helped dying people fulfill their dreams.

Right before death, they invaded the consciousness of their customers, after which they changed the moments in their memory so that they were dying with a sincere faith that their dreams came true. The hero had this dream flight to the moon. But why? How she appeared and because of what? All this led the players to an interesting solution, and River was in its very center. So by the end, many even middle -aged men hardly restrained tears.

Another game – The Darkness, also builds a plot around the heroes of the hero. And although the main events revolve around the mysterious forces and mafia wars, the main thing that moved the hero remains his feelings for the deceased lover, Jenny. In the first part, it is these events that make him take revenge and at least somehow move forward, in the second, it is the hope of reuniting with his beloved that makes the hero fight for his life.

In the darkness that is happening in The Darkness, the beloved of the protagonist Jenny is almost the only ray of light.

Around the relationship is spinning and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, in which the main character of the semolina accidentally becomes … a slave to a pretty girl named Trip. He will be forced to save the lady and travel with her through the green post-apocalyptic world, where only “bloodthirsty” cars and rare surviving raggers remained with her. It is easy to guess that gradually, having experienced a lot of adventures together, the heroes came closer, and something reminiscent of love was tied between them. And this romantic story, unfolding against the background of the deceased world, battles, losses and adventures, also deserves attention.

Ninja Theory it was always possible to create a “chemistry” between the characters. And in Enslaved they built the whole game on this.

When stories are atypical

However, the relationship in games does not always look like real. The creation of Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, for example, twisted the plot around the relationship, but a little differently. Although secret weapons and spy games remained nominally the central theme of the game, the most interesting line was the confrontation between the protagonist of the game, Snake, and his former mentor under the pseudonym Boss.

Their connection is difficult to call romantic – even the strange relations of the hero with a spy named Eve were served much more clearly. But at the same time, throughout the plot, tension was felt, “chemistry” between the heroes, the connection that created drama and made the ending of the game more dramatic.

In Metal Gear Solid 3, it is the boss, and not at all a Snake, the central figure of the plot. And although neither love nor a full -fledged novel between them is shown, it is a powerful connection between the characters and makes the story of the game special.

By the way, another project, The Last of Us, pressed on the same emotions, developing relationships between the main characters. But if in the Kojima project between the boss and Snape felt love, which happens between adults and a woman, then Ellie and Joel have a completely different kind – the relationship of his father and daughter. Also love, although another. And by the end she also led to curious and for someone tragic events.

In a similar way, semi -trees and due to emotions, give a romantic relationship and creators Half-Life 2. Rather, how … Actually, there is still no novel between the main character and his companion Alix – it would be very difficult, given that Gordon Freeman is a dumb flying camera. However, the developers did everything to create a connection between the heroine and the player.

Alix shows attention and care in every possible way, is very cute, and sometimes shines at all, it is only worth the player (that is, Freeman) to appear nearby. And the harmless jokes of her father, Ilai Vincence that it is time to put small frenses, by the end of the game are already ceased to be perceived as jokes. Yes, such a relationship can not be called a full -fledged novel, but between Alix and Gordon (or rather, the player) and the truth “sparkled”.

There are more unusual, not very typical cases of feeding love stories. IN Lost Planet 3, For example, instead of classical problematic novels or a nascent love, we have to witness already established relations – the wife remaining regularly on another planet is regularly in touch with the main character. Her messages are not only demonstrated by the player, but contribute to the incredible effect of immersion: the cabin of the fur begins to seem a warm and cozy workplace, the main character in the eyes of the players becomes more human, and a tedious, full of dangers on the ice planet seems to be even colder and repulsive even more cold and repulsive. And this gives the events warmth and naturalism, fundamentally changing the attitude towards not the best project in general.

And in Gone Home We, only finding objects and reading notes, become a witness to another unusual, but very beautiful novel. Through diaries, cassettes, objects scattered around the rooms, from the very origin, and to the dramatic ending, we follow the love of two young … teenage girls. And although the topic of same -sex relationships in our area is not in great demand, to observe these events entertaining.

Well, sometimes in games there are and are not at all typical cases for the industry. So, for example, a protagonist The Ballad of Gay Tony, Lucas, could not get rid of an annoying fan – girls, ready for the sake of a loved one for everything. She tracked him at work, constantly imposed, and the story ended even sadly. Moreover, a series GTA generally often offers funny, atypical romantic stories.

Although Trevor is a brutal killer and psychopath, he has a special, reverent attitude towards women.

For example, in the fifth part, one of the main characters, Franklin, himself becomes a victim of unrequited love, suffering from a girl who left him to a successful and wealthy neurosurgeon. Another hero of the game, Trevor, nourishes special feelings for a woman who … abducts during the plot. And the protagonist of the fourth part, Niko Bellich, can start relationships on dating sites, and at the same time each of his ladies of the heart has her own character, a set of replicas and other. And once Bellich even becomes a victim … betrayal when it turns out that the lover is an agent under the guise. And watching all these sketches is truly exciting, although they unfold mainly against the background of the main events.

Although Ezio from Ezio all my life Assassin’s Creed The most diverse ladies surrounded, the main love of his life remained charming Christina Vespucci. Having lost the opportunity to be with her after events Assassin’s Creed 2, Italian Assassin has repeatedly visited a lover over the years. And this is very interestingly shown in Brotherhood.

We hope we managed to convince skeptics that romance in games can be served interestingly and beautifully. Moreover, today is the best day for this. However, if you disagree with us or remember any better stories that we have not mentioned, be sure to tell about it in the comments! We are always curious to know your opinion.

And of course, we will look forward to new stories from the developers … After all, they can, when they want!

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